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Saturday, April 18, 2015

ISO 18001 - Occupational Health & Safety Management System

The OHSAS 18001 is the international standard for health and safety management system. It shows to clients that Organization is committed to protect employees, visitors, contractors and the general public.

OHSAS 18001 is an approach that allows a business to steadily identify and control its Health and Safety risks, reduce the prospective for accidents and legal issues, and improve overall performance.
This standard is applicable to establishment of any size, but is especially relevant to establishments with a large work force, manual and heavy work tasks, and/or high risk work environments. Aiming the health and safety of employees proves that Organization is working to ensure that operations are safe both for employees and the surrounding environment.

  Why Do we Need ISO 18001?

  • OHSAS 18001 demonstrates that your organization is legally compliant and is able to manage health and safety risks.
  • Stakeholders have to prove their commitment to health and safety, resulting in a positive impact on your company’s health and safety culture.
  • Certification can reduce downtime following an accident and insurance costs.
  • Continual development enables your organization to innovate and demonstrate forward thinking approaches.
  • It also pushes your organization to ensure that it has a competitive edge.
  • Certification is often a requirement for organizations tendering for new work.
  • Successful implementation will increase your access to new business.What are the key stages of an OHSAS 18001 audit process? 


What are the key stages of an OHSAS 18001 audit process?

The key stages of an OHSAS 18001 audit are summarised below.  The full process typically takes between 6 to 12 months depending on the size and complexity of the organisation.

1    Developing a health and safety management system
The OHSAS 18001 audit will assess the effectiveness of your organisations health and safety management system.  Your organization should have an effective management system in place before deciding if the certification route is the right for you.

2    Organizing the audit
Each organization must select an external certifying body who is accredited to carry out OHSAS 18001 audits.

3    Pre-assessment audit
This is an optional assessment which can be carried out by the external auditor to ensure that the organization is ready to proceed with the full certification audit.  This audit will check that the key requirements of the standard have been included in your health and safety management system.  If they haven’t, the external auditor will highlight areas that you need to work on and make recommendations.

4    Gap analysis
Prior to the Stage 1 audit a gap analysis should be carried out by the organisation to ensure that they:

  •     have the commitment of top management
  •     have defined their occupational health and safety policy
  •     use a framework for identifying hazards, risk assessments and the implementation of necessary control measures.
  •     have identified the legal obligations for the organization, set objectives and established a management program for achieving the objectives.
The gap analysis is not mandatory but is recommended as a way of identifying the strengths and weaknesses in your health and safety management system.  It can also be used as a way of identifying what actions need to be taken to achieve certification.

5    Action plan
On completion of the gap analysis the organisation should develop an action plan detailing how they will meet the requirements of the standard.  This will include compliance, improvement, timescales for implementation and ownership of actions.

6    Management review
Each organization must carry out a management review which includes senior management and considers:

  •     health and safety objectives
  •     actions from health and safety audits and programs 
  •     outcomes of accident investigations
  •     changes in organizational and legal circumstances.

The OHSAS 18001 standard has specific requirements for management reviews.  It is important that ‘top management’ are actively involved with health and safety and carry out reviews of the health and safety management system on a regular basis. During the external audit the assessor will ask to see evidence that these reviews take place.  They may also wish to speak to managers who have health and safety responsibilities within your organization.

7    Stage 1 Audit
The Stage 1 audit focuses on the arrangements put in place by the organization to meet the requirements of OHSAS 18001.  The external assessor will:
  • confirm that the OH&S management system conforms to the standard
  • confirm the scope of certification
  • check legislative compliance
  • produce a report that identifies any non-compliance or potential for non-compliance and agree on a corrective action plan if required.
  • produce an assessment plan and confirm a date for the Stage 2 assessment visit.

8    OH&S Audit
Prior to Stage 2 an internal heath and safety audit should to be carried out to check that the requirements of the standard have been effectively implemented.  This audit will focus on the implementation of procedures, development of minutes for meetings, training records, health and safety inspections, completion of risk assessments, maintenance records and ensure that you have effectively implemented the arrangements detailed in the health and safety management system.  Actions identified during the audit should be completed before the external auditors visit.  If this is not possible there should be a concise plan detailing who is responsible for the action and when it will be carried out.

9    Stage 2 Audit
The Stage 2 audit focuses on the implementation of the arrangements put in place by the organization.  The external assessor will:
  •     undertake sample audits of the processes and activities
  •     document how the management system complies with the standard
  •     report any non-compliance s or potential for non-compliance
  •     produce a surveillance plan and confirm a date for the first surveillance visit.

10    Surveillance visits
Regular (6 monthly or annual) surveillance visits are carried out by the external assessor to ensure that the organization is still meeting the requirements of the standard.

11    Continual improvement
The organization must demonstrate that they are continually monitoring and reviewing their health and safety performance whilst striving to improve.

How can we help?

Al Batra Consultants can help you to ensure that your health and safety management system is implemented effectively and is suited to your organization.   We can work with you to develop systems and work with you through the certification process.  This might include project scopes; arrange, facilitate or manage the third party audits; support you through the audit process by carrying out gap analysis of your systems; attend and carry out audits.

For more information about how we can work together and provide you with competent, practical and tailor-made health and safety advice please contact us.

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